FPS - Facility Protection Service, Customs, Border Guards
Fire/Rescue, etc. All post Saddam

FPS Facility Protection Service

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IRP28.Iraqi FPS sleeve patch. $12.00

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IRP27.Sleeve patch for Senior FPS officers who
work in Southern Iraq. $15.00

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IRP59.Sleeve patch for FPS officers
in Al Najaf. $12.00

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IRP73.Sleeve patch for FPS officers who protect the schools, institutes,
and universities in the city of Al Muthana in southern Iraq. $12.00

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IRP74.Iraqi FPS sleeve patch. $12.00

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IRP80.Iraqi FPS sleeve patch. $12.00

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IRP81.Iraqi FPS sleeve patch. $12.00

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IRP45.FPS under the Ministry of Interior breast patch. $15.00

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IRP33.FPS under the Ministry of Interior breast patch. $15.00

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IRP31.FPS under the Ministry of Health breast patch. $15.00

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IRP44.FPS under the Ministry of Health breast patch. $15.00

IRP15.FPS under the Ministry of Health sleeve patch. $12.00

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IRP87.FPS under the Ministry of Health breast patch. $15.00

Iraqi Customs Service

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IRP82.Iraqi Customs service breast patch. About 5" long. $5.00

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IRP42.Iraqi Customs Police breast patch. $15.00

TSU - Tactical Support Units

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IRP51.Iraqi TSU sleeve patch. $15.00

Border Protection Service

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IRP112.Iraqi Border Guards sleeve patch. $15.00

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IRP78.Iraqi Border Guards upper sleeve arc. $4.00

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IRP77.Iraqi Border Guard sleeve patch. $15.00

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IRP76.Iraqi Border Guards upper sleeve arc. $4.00

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IRP75.Iraqi Border Guard sleeve patch. $15.00

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IRP47.Iraqi Border Guards Headquarters upper sleeve arc. $4.00

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IRP20.Iraqi Border Guard Headquarters sleeve patch. $15.00

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IRP55.Iraqi Border Guard sleeve patch.$15.00

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IRP93.Sleeve patch for U.S. Military Police and Iraqi Police on
joint border tasks. $15.00

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IRP52.Worn by US Military Police and Iraqi Police on
tasks on Iraqs borders. $15.00

Iraqi Bank Guards

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IRP94.Sleeve patch worn by police who guard the Al - Rafidain Banks. $12.00

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IRP96.Patch worn by police who guard the Al - Rafidain Banks.
Smaller, about 2" diameter. $5.00

Ministry of Electricity

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IRP84.Ministry of Electricity police sleeve patch. $12.00

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IRP43.Ministry of Electricity police breast patch. $15.00

Fire and Rescue service

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IRP56.Iraqi Fire and Rescue services. $12.00

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IRP57.Sleeve patch for Iraqi Firemen in the port of Basra. $12.00


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IRSKPTCH.Skull patch. Roughly translates "Protect the innocent and destroy evil". $6.00

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IRP104.Sleeve patch. Iraq Survey Group 2003. $15.00

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IRP99.Sleeve patch for the Danish Mine Clearing Group, Iraq. $12.00

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IRP111.Sleeve patch. IEPC. $5.00


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IRP48.Kurdistan Army and Police patch. $15.00

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